Faculty Development Program on ‘Teaching in the era of Nano Degrees’

Christ University, Lavasa is committed to providing educational solution to unidentified needs, as well as identified but unmet needs of various stakeholders by offering world class programs. The teaching learning process in the University is consistently aligned with the needs of the changing world. To achieve this and to benchmark the academic programs against the highest possible standards, University organizes FDPs on a regular basis. These meetings become venues of constructive discussions and objective deliberations where the extant and future programs are examined keeping in mind the complete teaching learning cycle.

An intensive Faculty Development Program on‘Teaching in the era of Nano Degrees’ along with a specific focus on Research and Publications was organized at Christ (Deemed to be University), Lavasa from 13th to 24th May 2019.

The theme for the FDP this year was ‘Teaching in the era of Nano Degrees’. Teaching - learning landscape has undergone tremendous changes in the recent past with the advent of online learning platforms that offer highly specialized short certifications, and portable learning resources which offer flexi time learning for students.

Online learning platforms have gained popularity on account of coverage variety, crisp content, flexibility in learning, possibility of interactions with co learners from across the world,  practically unlimited chances for repeat assessments, and anonymity in case of poor academic performance. The manifold learning resource availability to students have made the job of face to face knowledge providers much more demanding than it used to be. The face to face teachers now have to compete with exciting audio visual learning content for the student mind space.  It is imperative that the entire teaching learning process, right from program conceptualization to assessment be relooked keeping in mind these developments.

This year’s theme ‘Teaching in the era of Nano Degrees’ was conceived to take stock of the changes in learner preferences and the preparedness of faculty members in meeting those preferences. The theme explicitly looked at exploring the possibility of creating highly effective shorter duration content that can be delivered in face to face teaching.

The FDP was conducted mostly in workshop mode where resource persons guided the participants in coming up with actionable solutions based on the changes identified in the teaching learning process.

At the outset on 13th May 2019 blessings of the divine were sought followed by an introductory prayer and reading from Holy Scriptures. Director, Fr Jossy P George addressed the teachers from Ghaziabad and Lavasa Christ (Deemed to be University) campus, who had assembled for the 10 day long sessions.

Fr Jossy showed an inspiring presentation aptly entitled 'Be Extraordinary'. He applauded and appreciated the teaching pedagogy of both the campuses. He articulated that it is the responsibility of the teachers to make a difference and bring about a change in the campus by introducing something new.

Fr Jossy motivated them have to take the initiative and develop their own skills and learn new teaching methodology. Fr Jossy encouraged then to attend seminars and conferences to engage their knowledge and sharpen their skills. He urged them to focus on their accomplishments and achievements.

The first workshop was conducted by Dr Joseph Varghese from Department of Mathematics, Christ University, Bengaluru on 13th and 14 May 2019. He focused on strategizing support and enhance technical quality through research and publication. He gave detailed information about Scopus indexes, Clarivate Analytics, Google Scholar etc.

On 15th and 16 May 2019 Professor Vinay M from Christ University, Bengaluru explained the use of technology in teaching and learning. His main focus was also on learning the nuances of question bank repository.

Then an intensive Workshop on Building Excellence in Research and Publications: The New Navigation was conducted by Professor Mukund Dixit, IIMA on 17th and 18th May 2019. The intensive workshop was designed keeping in view the increasing need for faculty colleagues in Christ University to be excellent researchers as well as teachers. They are required to publish their work in reputed national and international journals for self and institutional growth. In addition, they are called upon to guide students in their pursuit of Masters and Doctoral degrees.

The main objectives were to articulate the parameters of Excellence in Research and Publications (R&P). The workshop also taught todelineate the demands of key R&P stakeholders and outline strategies to respond to them.The teachers learnt how to discuss the key stages in the growth of an idea into a publishable research paper.

They were able to outline the transition journey of a faculty member from an excellent researcher to an effective research guide. It provided a platform for gaining and sharing experiences in R&P and guiding research. The Pedagogy used was a mix of case studies, exercises, role plays, dialogues and simulations to achieve its objectives.

On 20th and 21st May 2019 Ms Lakshmi Subramanian from TYMF, New Delhi engaged the teachers in some interactive activities to drive across the point of finding solutions through creative problem solving techniques. She focused on critical and creative thinking techniques. Innovation was the key factor which was discussed in great details. Then Mr K R Subramanian spoke at length on Innovation in Corporate Sector by giving practical examples to drive across the point.

22nd to 24th May 2019 sessions began with an orientation talk on the topic by Dr Binu Paul and were taken by Mr C N Kshetragna, Former head of Marketing in the main campus and T S Ramachandran, Former head of Finance in the main campus on teachings in the era of Nano degrees for Marketing and Finance teachers respectively.

The FDP was highly interactive in nature as it was designed to improved curriculum for courses taught with new instructional skills. Specific goal setting templates for program/course Program and Course Design were taught along with review of Motivation for Existing Program and Course Design. There was a discussion on Contemporary Needs from stakeholders and critical Examination of Current Design vis-a-vis Contemporary Needs.

 Content Validation and Creation was given a lot of emphasis during the FDP. It included review of Content Adequacy for meeting Program and course objectives, identifying explicit and tacit content partners, mapping components of current content that can be learned/taught from existing audio visual resources and creation of new content if needed.

 It was interesting to learn In Class and Post Class Assessment which featured review of Assessment objectives within the Prgoram/course/content/pedagogy framework, mapping the fit between in class and post class assessment and ratio of in-class and post class assessment methods and examining student deliverables from assessment with interest of stakeholders like potential employers/higher education institution.

There were some lectures for Data Science teachers by Dr Rajiv from IIT Madras and Mr Purushottam, CTO, Innovation and R&D Architect, Persistent System Ltd. He gave an insightful tlk on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

It can rightly concluded that the FDP was able to discuss in detail class Room Delivery which centered around reviewing effectiveness of existing pedagogic practices within the program/course/content framework, rating existing Pedagogic practices on an appropriate scale on the Student involvement parameter and exploring new pedagogic practices. It was extremely informative, interactive and educational in nature.


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