School of Business & Management (SBM) organised a QIP for the faculty members. The program was conducted in the Smart room, MBA block at CHRIST(Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa Campus.

Day 1 (2nd July) 12:15 PM-1:15 PM

The Quality Improvement Programme on ‘Case Study Analysis, Quantitative & Qualitative Research Tools’ was inaugurated by the HoD (MBA) Dr Becky M Thomas. She spoke in detail about the scheduled sessions, the resource person identified for each session and the topics to be covered. Dr Thomas mentioned that this QIP will be in a hybrid mode and asked the team to come prepared for a great learning experience from experts who will be delivering the content both online & offline.

Day 2 (4th July) 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

The resource person for the second day’s session was Dr Amarpreet Ghura, Assistant Professor from FLAME University Pune. Prof Ghura acquainted the participants with ‘Case Study Analysis.’ He spoke about the importance of case studies as a pedagogical tool. He also explained how to write a case study and the step-by-step process on how to select a topic and prepare a case study. Prof Amarpreet Ghura had shared a case study written by him and he explained the nuances of the stages involved in case study analysis and using it as a teaching tool, by explaining various theoretical aspects which were discussed during the session.

Day 3 (5th July) 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

The next day’s session was also conducted by Dr Amarpreet Ghura, who provided the practical aspects of a case study and its different approaches. Prof Amarpreet Ghura had shared a case study written by him and he explained the nuances of the stages involved in case study analysis and using it as a teaching tool by explaining various theoretical aspects which were discussed during the session. Prof Ghura also discussed with the participants on the points to remember if the case study has to be published. At the end of the session, there was an interactive Q & A session.

Day 4 (6th July) 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

Dr Roshan Kazi, Professor and HoD, Allana Institute of Management Sciences, SPPU Pune, was the resource person for the session on ‘Quantitative Analysis.’ Prof Kazi spoke about quantitative techniques and their philosophy. He then went on to explain the types of research and used the example of the first-ever marketing research that took place long ago by a media company called ‘Evening Post’. He elaborated on the evolution of research and its further development. During his interaction with the faculty members, he shared various terminologies related to quantitative analysis.

Day 5 (7th July) 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

On the fifth day of the QIP, Dr Abhijit Mancharkar, Director, AISSMS Institute of Management, SPPU Pune, spoke about ‘Qualitative Research Tools’. He discussed - what is research, why we do research, qualitative vs quantitative analysis etc. He explained the value/importance of qualitative research through various examples.

Day 6 (8th July) 10:30 AM-12:30 PM

With a rich experience of more than ten years, Mr Shafiullah Anis, a PhD scholar at Monash University (Malaysia), conducted a detailed session on ‘Qualitative Research: Thematic Analysis.’ He started his session by introducing the philosophical overview behind qualitative research and emphasized that a researcher following a qualitative approach must clarify their epistemological stance.

He further discussed the two opposing ontological outlooks, realism vs relativism, moving on to thematic analysis and its procedure. He introduced thematic coding and listed out critical points concerning the same. A brief exercise was then conducted with the participants, where they were asked to identify and code a transcribed interview. After the initial identification of codes, the second level of coding was done to identify themes that were subsequently linked to a theory. The session concluded with the speaker sharing the findings of some of his published work involving thematic analysis.


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