Director's Note: Economic Conclave 2021 Politics at the Intersection of Society and Economy - Reflections on Contemporary Developments in India
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to this Economic Conclave on Politics Politics at the Intersection of Society and Economy: reflections on contemporary development in India. I am honoured to be amongst luminaries such as Prof. N R Bhanumurthy, Vice-Chancellor of Bengaluru Dr B R Ambedkar School of Economics University (BASE), Bangalore and Prof. Sandeep Shastri, Vice-Chancellor, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal.
Our understanding of the economy and the forces that operate within would be incomplete without learning of the political economy and how it affects our society as a whole. Often at times we inadvertently assume politics as an abstraction that doesn’t affect the functioning of an economy much and tend to oversimplify the effects the state of the political economy has on our lives as individuals and as a society. We cannot blame ourselves for this because the world has become so hyper-specialized that these things seem to fade into the background for us on a day to day basis. I would hence like to congratulate the Data Science dept and the economics club for organizing such a conclave that is very relevant to our times and in broadening our understanding.
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