Research Methodology and IEEE Authorship Lab

The Department of Data Science of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa organized a two-day workshop on ‘Research Methodology and IEEE Authorship Lab’ by Dr Navin Kumar. The event started with Prof. Akhil M. Nair welcoming the participants to the workshop. He introduced Dr Navin Kumar, the Chairperson and Associate Professor at the Dept of Electronics and Communication, School of Engg, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru. 

Dr Navin Kumar took over the session with a brief introduction to the IEEE  regarding their scientific resources and contribution. He gave informative insights about IEEE on why every student should be a member of IEEE and the same innovations. He briefly discussed the procedure and benefits of joining the IEEE and encourage the students to join. He continued to speak about IEEE standards like WiFi, Bluetooth, Firewire, IEEE Xplore digital library and other powerful search tools. He also talked about Elsevier and publishing stats such as archive and promote production, publishes and disseminate, manage performance reviews, etc.                     

The workshop was divided into four sessions for over two days. 

Session One started with Dr. Navin Kumar defining what is research and what it entails. He said that “research is done to discover new knowledge or make something unique”. He talked about the importance of doing research and why is is necessary. He continued to discuss the steps involved in doing research and how to find answers to the questions to the research problems. He also introduced the various types of research that people can undertake.

Dr Navin Kumar continued in Session Two with the topic on how the research process looks like and giving participants more reasons to do research. He talked about how doing research develops an analytical frame of mind, extends human knowledge and other such factors. He gave an idea on how a literature survey can be done and how to use the various resources such as articles published on IEEE, conference papers, books etc. Connections with other researchers in the same field is a requirement as well and talked about how to use these various databases. He talked about the starting point of research. He pointed out how to identify a problem and what makes the problem eligible enough to do the research on. He spoke about the necessary skills and requirements such as logical thinking, quantitative analysis, research plan, process, persistence, etc to be kept in mind while writing a research paper.

The third session focused on reporting the research on IEEE. Dr Navin discussed how to write a quality research paper with its factors such as hypothesis, study, and original contribution. He talked about where and how to publish papers. He talked about publishing such articles in journals, conferences, or magazines. He spoke about the periodicals such as open access journals, hybrid and closed journals. He also gave insights into the copyrighting of research work. 

“Editors and reviewers are the most important resources of the journal.” Dr Navin Kumar started session four by talking about peer review and explained the review process in details. He said that seeking the approval of others gives more weightage to the paper as it would lead to the paper's betterment. He discussed what a good manuscript should look like, viz., clean and useful, content must flow logically and showcase the material in the best way. He continued to talk about the structure of a research paper, i.e., title, abstract, introduction, methodology, formatting, conclusion, references, acknowledgement. He talked about each of the sections in details. He gave a brief idea on the Dos and Don’ts that must be kept in mind while writing a research paper.  

Dr Navin spoke about thesis report writing and its structure. He talked about the etiquettes and ethics that must be kept in mind while publishing and stressed the point that others time should be valued. He ended on the note that the integrity of the publication process and authorship should be maintained. 

The workshop ended with an interactive Q&A Sessions, the participants asked questions with respect to what they had learned in the two days of the workshop. Dr Navin gave explanations to all the questions with his expert opinion. Prof. Akhil M. Nair gave the vote of thanks to concluding the workshop. He thanked Dr Navin for giving insights about research papers and for encouraging all the students to work in the research field. Dr Samiksha Shukla also expressed her gratitude to Dr Navin for conducting the workshop and hoped to have more of such workshops in the future. 


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