The guest lecture was graced by Adv. Akshay Jain, who specializes in Human Rights and Criminal Laws. With his enthusiasm and interest in Human Rights and Disability Rights, he believes in inclusion for all. His address was open for all UG and PG students from the School of Law at the Auditorium on 21st April, 2023, from 09:40 AM onwards. The lecture was an attempt to advocate for the rights of persons with disability along with increasing public awareness and sensitivity. The Guest Lecture conducted gave an overview of Disability laws to the target audience. The guest highlighted the below-mentioned concerns and issues during the discourse: Types of Disabilities, Impairments, and Rights: The lecture provided an in-depth understanding of various types of disabilities recognized under the law, including physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. The rights of persons with disabilities, such as the right to education, healthcare, employment, and social security, were discus...