Guest Lecture On "Feminist Jurisprudence And Contemporary Developments In The Area Of Women And Law"

A guest lecture was organized on "Feminist Jurisprudence and Contemporary Developments in the Area of Women and Law" on 7th October 2019 in the Smart Room, Central Block, CHRIST, Lavasa by Ms Shiva Priyamvada.

Ms Shiva has been engaged with the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi as Assistant Professor (Law) since 9th February 2018. She is pursuing Ph.D. from NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. She graduated in B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) from National Law Institute University, Bhopal and has done post-graduation from NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad with specialization in “Public Law and Legal Theory”. Ms Shiva was engaged with the National University of Study and Research in Law, UPES School of Law (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies) Dehradun and SGT University, Gurgaon as Assistant Professor. She has numerous research publications to her credit. Her job-profile included research work and preparation of petitions and counter-affidavits (for matters in the Supreme Court and various High Courts of India), observing and handling the disciplinary proceedings (akin to the procedure followed in a civil court) against advocates, preparing orders and judgments, etc. Ms Shiva has also been convener and co-convener for various events apart from delivering guest lectures. The lecture was crucial since it dealt with serious issues pertaining to women. At the outset Ms Shiva mentioned that laws for men and women are different and how women suffer at the hands of law when some laws are in favour of men. She explained about the hypocrisy in terms of equal rights.

She further gave valuable inputs about Shram Shakti report and SEVA Organization. It is pertinent to note that Ms Shiva pointed out quite categorically the invisible work done by women, which is sometimes left uncounted (as per a survey done in 1989). In this context she gave lucid examples of visible work done by men as against imperceptible work done by women.

It was disheartening to note that at times patriarchy and feminism are not considered in a positive way although women do exercise discretion especially during voting. Ms Shiva clarified the distinction between nature and culture, wherein nature denotes women because they nurture and culture denotes men as it dominates nature. She also briefed the students about natural law and divine law.

It was quite a revelation to know about Pinjra Tor Movement (a movement against difference in curfew timings for men and women). Ms Shiva rightly pointed out that lack of knowledge among women of rural areas is detrimental for their current status. Even though there is a provision of equality under Article 14 and 15 and DPSP yet what needs to note is the extent to which it is implemented. Ms Shiva ended her insightful lecture by speaking about landmark judgements and cases.

The guest lecture was coordinated by Assistant Professor Saimy Eliza Abraham on behalf of School of Law, CHRIST, (Deemed to be University), Lavasa. Ms Shiva was accompanied by Ms Salini Nandkumar and Ms Shabana Asmi.


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