GLOBAL LEADERS LECTURE SERIES - Next Gen Recruitment using AI by Mr. Jyothis KS


Mr. Jyothis KS, Co-founder, and Director, Zappyhire, addressed the MBA final years on Tuesday, 17th November 2020 from 2.30 pm to 4 pm on the topic: Next Gen Recruitment using AI. Mr. Jyothis KS holds a bachelor's degree in B Tech from Mahatma Gandhi University. He has overall 15+ years of work experience in the IT sector. In Oct 2018, Jyothis co-founded Zappyhire after working as the Chief Operating Officer of CogniCor Technologies. 

The lecture began with a small briefing on Zappyhire and an introduction to his team. He emphasized what Artificial Intelligence was and its importance in today's volatile business world. AI began to revolutionize the Indian market in 2014-15 with advanced development. He shed light on the role of AI in HR and the rapid growth of HR tech in the past 5-6 years. HR tech is the automation of HR functions. 56% of companies use AI and ML algorithms for sourcing and interviews. He cautioned the students about how they use their social media profiles because he believes that nothing is private on the internet, and we're always being monitored. The use of AI helps take care of the tactical HR tasks and allows the HR to focus on more strategic tasks. 

He brought to their notice how the use of AI and Machine Learning has aided the evolution of new trends in digital hiring. Some of these trends include Smart filtering and ranking, an ML-based resume parser, including intelligent ranking against JDs, and provides two additional sentences per candidate. The deep learning/text extraction is bias-free and has improved the hiring process by 72%. He shed some light on candidate engagement using conversation AI which aids in scheduling interviews, additional data collection, job application throughout chatbot, updating the candidature status, and cross-questioning. Another critical trend is AI enabled behavioral assessment involving complex techniques like tone analysis, psycholinguistics analysis, enriched candidate profile, and data-driven recommendations. Recommendation engines are used to optimize sourcing, recommend the best hiring process, and even suggests the risk of resignation among employees. 

According to Mr. Jyothis, AI improves the quality of hire from inference by 68%. He believes HR function is transforming into a more data-driven approach and stresses how the students could leverage technology to gear up and improve personal strengths. 

The students asked a plethora of questions, and the resource person answered them aptly. The session was very informative and interactive and benefitted the students in enhanced knowledge and awareness about HR tech in today's VUCA world.


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