Webinar on “Pandemics and Political Development: The Electoral Legacy of the Black Death in Germany” by Dr. Jan P. Vogler, post-doctoral research fellow in the political economy of good government at the University of Virginia's, USA

The Economic Club, Department of Data Science hosted yet another webinar on the topic “Pandemics and Political Development: The Electoral Legacy of the Black Death in Germany” by Dr. Jan P. Vogler. The webinar conducted on 27th August 2020 highlighted major aspects of the ongoing pandemic and its relation with the pertaining black deaths in Germany. Dr. Jan P. Vogler has studied political science at the Free University of Berlin and during his undergraduate studies, he spent one year at the University of California, Berkeley, focusing on political science and economics. He further pursued his master’s degree in International relations with an emphasis on research methods at the London School of Economics. Specialising in political economy and political methodology, he was aPhD student at Duke University. His Dissertation entitled The Political Economy of Public Bureaucracy: The Emergence of Modern Administrative Organization's explains cross-national and cross-regional variation i...