FDP Organized On Strategic Planning

A faculty development program was organized for the teachers to focus on the need for strategic planning. The FDP began on 2nd January 2020 in the auditorium of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Lavasa. Director & Dean Dr Fr Jossy George wished everyone a Happy New Year and began his presentation after a silent prayer. It was entitled 'Purpose Driven Strategy' and was based on 'Put Purpose At The Core Of Your Strategy', from Harvard Business Review, 2019. Fr Jossy hoped that the new trimester will begin with new resolutions, new strategies and techniques for effective and result oriented teaching. He recounted blessings in 2019 regarding the off campus status and opening of various undergraduate courses and School of Law. He is optimistic that the new teachers and students will do justice to the brand name of CHRIST and the beginning of the year is the most appropriate time to reflect and think of strategies.

Fr Jossy articulated that personalization of course plan incorporating knowledge, skill and attitude is not enough. Each teacher must aim to put it in practice. He advised the teachers to forge a bond with students and have some propose in dealing with sensitive matters pertaining to students. It also includes efforts to make the campus unique and different and thus create your own brand name.

The presentation was very well timed as it inspired the faculty members to formulate a strategy with a purpose. He rightly said that being scattered without any purpose will not lead to success. Rather they must make efforts to be integrated as a community. They ought to take it as their responsibility to groom students who come with their unique individual culture and align it with core values which CHRIST upholds.

He further added that being simply stagnant will not be appreciated. Fr Jossy motivated the teachers to be dynamic in their approach. He gave an example of Sweden’s security company, Securitas AB, which was transformed from a security guard supplying company to a security eco-system creator, keeping up with technological innovation and changing trends. He inspired the entire faculty to be different and dynamic and incorporate different development models to make a difference. He rightly remarked that an organization without purpose is rigid. They should be rather reflective, have a purpose and support each other.

Director had a message for teachers regarding grooming Christites by their innovative contributions towards pioneering style of teaching. He also said that collaboration is the need of the hour as community life is required. They should also be professional in dealing with relationships by respecting the views and feelings of each student.

Then he gave a brief information about academic program delivery which included proper planning of subjects which might include YouTube presentation of their respective courses, most appropriate CIA, planning curriculum development and suitable mentoring. He advised the teachers to follow academic calendar seriously. Fr Jossy emphasized on continuously monitoring class participation and absenteeism along with holistic education. The teachers should make their class unique and be a professional in and out of the classroom. Fr Jossy encouraged everyone to take active participation in paper presentation during conferences to be conducted in Lavasa. He concluded his presentation on a positive note and urged the teachers to make a difference with a purpose in 2020.

Next Assistant Professor Vijayakumar S and Mr JK Pandey gave a presentation on Strategic Planning for 2018-2023. The focus areas were curriculum design and development with reference to broad parameters in SP exercise. It included introduction of new courses / programs on emerging areas, revision of syllabus to enhance employability, entrepreneurship, research and skill development, introduction of CBCS /elective courses in the programme, participation of teachers at international level, faculty development, evaluation system, incorporation of gender/environment and sustainability/human values and professional ethics into the curriculum, inclusion of student field projects into the curriculum and internationalization of curriculum.

Regarding teaching-learning and evaluation introduction of innovative teaching techniques, use of ICT for effective teaching, publications in UGC recognized journals and student-teacher projects. As far as research and publications is concerned the teachers have to focus on industry-academia collaborations and capacity building for consultancy.  It was quite informative and was followed by a discussion.

Dr Sumitra Binu gave an excellent presentation on Classroom Management Strategies. At the outset she pointed out that classrooms are changing rapidly with the passage of time. With the advent of emerging technologies the behavior of new generation students ie. the millennials have gone through a radical change. The present generation iGen kids are independent and self-reliant and seek instant gratification. She mentioned that a teacher ought to note that their self-esteem is dependent on social approval. She gave a convincing account of different types of students and teachers, which was quite relatable. She recommended that teachers must treat students with respect as indoctrination is not appreciated. They should be sensitive to students and show care especially in front of the class for instance let a strong leader be the alpha of the class.

In order to achieve the desired result Dr Sumitra pointed that a teacher must prepare her plan and follow up with practice. Regarding preparation for the teachers must be opened for interruptions, contingencies and note down areas where he or she needs to improve. She further inspired them to instill happiness and qualities like honesty, trust and responsibility through their words and deeds. The teachers must practice subtle disciplinary interventions and state the desired behaviour. They must also practice communication by using descriptive language and avoid being judgmental, give tangible rewards and interact with students in proximity. In doing so they will be able to build a good rapport with students. She further encouraged the teachers to use nonverbal communication and encourage initiative. 

The session on `Building Presence in Classroom; by Counsellor, Arpita Ghosh was quite interactive in nature. She began with an interesting activity to break the ice. It involved everyone to greet maximum people within a minute. She advised the teachers to start connecting with students and teachers for effective communication. She rightly pointed out that one begins with nonverbal communication to develop awareness followed by verbal communication. She also said that it is inevitable for a teacher not to be passionate about the subject and job.  According to her emotional intelligence plays a vital role in handling stress, managing irresponsible behavior and dealing with a wide variety of students in a college. The session ended with meditation to develop concentration.

Post lunch mentoring and student activities were discussed at length department wise followed by `Effectiveness of Mentoring’ by Academic Coordinator Dr Fr Arun Antony. He mentioned that the importance of mentoring in this age of adolescence is much sought after because students tend to take extreme steps while dealing with personal problems. They need to be counselled regularly. He rightly pointed that stress impairs the ability to learn hence one must give respect to get it and in doing so stress is relatively reduced.

Like Dr Sumitra Binu Fr Arun also said that the teachers have to formulate strategies which must include compassion and enthusiasm to improve their attention, engagement and simulation. They have to create first - step compliance and the key is to minimize stress and maximize action. The teachers ought to establish enforceable rules and enforce them. They should also encourage collaboration, team work and address bad behaviour persistently. The entire day long FDP was quite informative, inspirational and practical in nature.


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