IPR Regime in India: Unraveling Mysteries

The Intellectual Property Rights Law Committee from the Student Bar Association of the School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa Campus with the guidance of Prof. Dr Daisy Alexander, the Head of the Department organized a talk on the topic ‘IPR Regime in India: Unraveling Mysteries’ on April 26 2021, at 04:00 pm to commemorate the World Intellectual Property Day.  The talk was delivered by Adv. Hiren Kamod, Senior Counsel who has expertise in the field of Intellectual Property Rights who enlightened the audience on the nuances of IPR in India. 

The event aims at familiarizing the students with the nuances, advantages and shortcomings of Intellectual Property Rights recognized in India. Intellectual Property Rights are legal rights governing the use of creations of the human mind. The recognition and protection of these rights are of recent origin. Patents, designs and trademarks are considered industrial property. As per the International Convention for the protection of industrial (Paris Convention), the protection of industrial property has as its object patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names, indications of source or appellations of origin and the repression of unfair competition when copyrights, Geographical indicators, layout Designs and confidential information were included to industrial property, they all become intellectual property. In 2000, WIPO's member states designated April 26 – the day on which the WIPO Convention came into force in 1970 – as World IP Day with the aim of increasing general understanding of IP. Since then, World IP Day has offered a unique opportunity each year to join with others around the globe to consider how IP contributes to the flourishing of music and the arts and to driving the technological innovation that helps shape our world.

The introductory remarks were given by Rev. Fr. Dr Jossy P George and the welcome address was delivered by Prof. Dr Daisy Alexander. Her outreach for this event helped the School of Law to have contributions from esteemed guest Adv. Hiren Kamod. Ms Shrejee Chaudhary was the emcee and Ms Satarupa Goswami introduced the Speaker. The vote of thanks was extended by Ms Amrutha Rose J Valavi, Assistant Professor, School of Law on behalf of the School of Law.

The event was streamed live and can be viewed at https://youtu.be/TAnF4TrMEcg


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