Adamantine (Debate Competition)

Adamantine (Debate Competition) was an entertaining and engaging event for MBA students, organized by the People Pioneers, the HR club of the School of Business and Management (MBA). Debate competitions are thrilling activities that display the skills of persuasive speaking and critical thinking. This report attempts to give a thorough account of today’s debate competition. Which saw enthusiastic participants engaged in intense discussions on three challenging issues. This exciting event revealed the essential advantages of participating in debates and showcasing the orators' fluency and analytical abilities. The event was held on 19th May 2023 from 1.30 pm to 3 pm and consisted of two rounds, the first round was the elimination round with two topics.

There were total of four teams from MBA of each specialization. Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, and Business Analytics. The first round of elimination was between the Marketing team (Marketing Monks) and the Human Resource team (People Pioneers) "Will India meet sustainability" The first topic of the debate competition centered around Will India meet sustainability. Participants were required to present arguments for and against the motion. Each and every participant in the team shared their thoughts and ideas about the topic given to them. Arguments in favor emphasized the urgency of addressing environmental challenges, raising awareness about sustainable practices, and fostering a sense of responsibility among future generations.

The team HR was against the topic, and the team Marketing was for the topic first round of elimination went well, and the team Human Resource (People Pioneers) where able to crack the first round of elimination and was the first team to move to the finals.

The second elimination round was between Finance (Harmony) and Business Analytics (Insight Squad). The topic for the second round of elimination was” Should the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank serve as a warning for increased regulation of banks that cater to high-risk industries like technology and venture capital? Yes or no”. the round has started, and the team Finance was for the topic, and the team Business Analytics was against the topic. The debate witnessed well-researched arguments, with participants emphasizing the need for comprehensive regulations for the topic they were able to provide their thoughts and ideas about the problems to their concerns. and team Finance had cracked the second elimination round and moved forward to the final round.

The final round arrived the clash of arguments was between the team Human resource (People Pioneers) and team Finance (Harmony). The final round was flamboyant the topic for the final round was “Adani Group's involvement in the alleged scam is a threat to India's economic growth and development? Yes or no” the team Human Resource (People Pioneers) was for, and team Finance (Harmony) was Against. Everyone in the group has given their thoughts and perspectives on the topic. The final round went very well, and on the final round, the last team who could concur the event was team Finance (Harmony). And they were victorious and were able to secure first in the competition.

The event emphasized the significance of encouraging productive conversations about current events and the enormous benefit of debates in honing vital abilities like research, public speaking, and cooperation. The importance of subtle, fact-based arguments was emphasized, inspiring participants to consider many viewpoints and exercise critical thinking. All things considered, the competition provided a forum for intellectual development by encouraging a culture where ideas could be challenged, shared, and improved.


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