Someone has rightly said that sharing the same vibes can instantly connect a large number of people simultaneously. In continuation with the concept of `Better Lives, Better Vibes’ Sushmita Sakhamuri anchored an interesting program today, Saturday, 3rd November 2018 in the amphitheater.
Akhil Shukla had everyone in splits when he narrated some random personal anecdotes and everyone listened to him in rapt attention. Just when everyone is deeply engrossed in studies, preparations are going on for the upcoming exams, students are verifying notes and clarifying doubts, such an event comes as a much needed break. Akhil was amusing, natural, and spontaneous as the episodes were directly connected to the college life so everyone was able to identify with what he said. Akhil’s animated version of his humorous experiences was quite interesting.
The audience clapped and cheered for him and could easily identify with the incidences. The standup comedy was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and one could observe that students are eagerly looking forward to the subsequent episode next week. The program comes under the banner of L.E.A.F.
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