Monjin - a platform to join a company of your choice
Abhijeet Kashyape, CEO & Co-founder – Monjin Interviews Pvt Ltd, is on a mission to recognize the world’s professionals and create a skills standardisation platform by democratising assessments. Prior to starting Monjin, Mr Abhijeet was leading talent demand supply, contracting and recruiting for Accenture and IBM, responsible for growth including India, US, UK. Previously, Mr Abhijeet also led an SAP start up in the UK which was later acquired by a fortune 500 enterprise.
The Corporate talk by Mr. Abhijit Kashyape CEO, Monjin presented a whole new approach about how interview process has evolutionized in the 21th Century. He informed the students how application of a digitation platform combined with global outreach can assist a management student to join a company of his choice.
Mr Abhijit motivated the students and quoting Steve Jobs said that their work is a going to fill a large part of their life. And the only way to be truly satisfed is to do what they believe is great work. He also propagated how Monjin is helping many organizations in hiring the best talented employees at the cheapest cost and in less time.
He asserted that Monjin is built around a platform where candidates and interviewers come together and a probable candidate is assessed, evaluated and selected based on his skills. Monjin is the world’s first VIP (Vetted Interviewed profiles) platform.
The management students were impressed by Monjin’s concept of giving one interview for multiple organizations. They were surprised to know that Monjin makes maximum utilization of digital resources such as Artificial Intelligence, Could Storage Technology, Digitalized Integration Interface to create a unique platform.
In all the interactive session was immensely enjoyed by the students and CIM is hopeful that it will benefit the students in some way or the other.
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