Workshop on Research Project

Session – 1 Primary Research Workshop.

The workshop on primary research started with a bright welcome given by the MCs to the audience and the speaker Dr. Benny Godwin J. During this workshop, we thought about how to number the questionnaire and use SPSS to analyse the data we received after the questionnaire. He taught almost 13 different Statistics Techniques such as Mean, Standard Deviation (SD), Factor loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability, KMO, Average Variance Extracted, Correlation, Regression Analysis – Multiple Linear Regression Model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Model (SEM) using both SPSS and AMOS. The session he took was interactive, as students could work on the software during his teaching with him. He displayed each technique through the projector on the screen, and all the techniques were explained stepwise. We were asked questions in between, and all of our doubts regarding the process were explained in detail. He even showed the stepwise calculation more than twice if we had doubts about it. He gave many real-life examples so we could understand them better. At the end of the session, we had a fun session with him, where he also answered our queries and played a short and exciting game with us.

Session – 2 Secondary Research Workshop.

The MCs for the event have given a great start with a motivational welcome address and with a great introduction about the speaker for the day Mr ANSHUL SAXENA. With a creative PowerPoint, the session continued. An introduction was given about the secondary analysis with an engagement of the class. Based on the participant’s paper and analyses requirement, the Question and idea related to secondary analyses were discussed. The source of the data collected and its reliability were also discussed with several examples. Websites of different sectors were given as demo for the purpose of data collection and a discussion was made on it. Some Models and methods of performing analyses were discussed (The models were listed in Outcome). Some Literature Review Tools were added to give more understanding and to improve the quality of the Research paper. Some analyses and Papers were also discussed during the session as an example, which gave an idea to the participants. Advanced Machine Learning Models (Neural networks) were discussed which gave a good understanding towards various ways and methods to perform analyses of the data collected. The Questions related to the session were also discussed. A conclusion was made by the speaker as a recap about the learnings and discussions made during the session.

Both sessions gave us a good learning experience and also the reference provided by them helped us to work on our research project. Learnings about SPSS were very helpful some are: 

Session – 1 Primary Research Workshop.


v  Introduction to SPSS

v  How SPSS works

v  How to make a questioner

v  Coding of questions

v  Reverse coding of Statements (It is done to get proper output)

v  Condition towards Variable and Statements. 


v  Introduction to Hypothesis with SPSS

v  How to test the Hypothesis Using SPSS with Steps. 

3.       Outcome 3 – ANALYSES (Psychometric properties of measure)

v  Reason for those 13 analyses.

v  Psychometric properties of measure

v  Descriptive Statistics

v  The steps were explained for frequency and descriptive statistics

v  Alpha (More than 0.7)

v  Factor loading

v  AVA (Average value extracted) (Accepted value is 0.5)

v  CR (Value is 0.7)

4.       Outcome 4 – ANALYSES (Discriminant Validity)

v  Discriminant Validity

v  Co-Relation

v  Diagonal Array

v  KMO

5.       Outcome 5 – ANALYSES (Regression & Coefficient)

v  Introduction to Regression Coefficient

v  Linear regression


v  Coefficient

6.       Outcome 6 – AMOS

v  Introduction to AMOS

v  How to draw a Statistical analysis diagram.

v  Dependent and Independent variable

v  Error term

v  Benefits of AMOS

The Research insights on secondary analysis were helpful to gain knowledge and some best resources to perform our analysis. Some are: -

Session – 2 Secondary Research Workshop.

1.       Outcome 1 – INTRODUCTION

v  Introduction on the topic research & its classification

v  About Secondary Analysis 

2.       Outcome 2 - DATA COLLECTION

v  Company Websites

v  Government Statistics

v  Industry Associations

v  Published Market Research Reports

v  Trade Publications

v  Hands on Trainings on data collection on multiple websites with different sectors for secondary Analysis


v  Advantage and disadvantages of the data Collected. 

4.       Outcome 4 – How to perform SECONDARY RESEARCH.

v  How to conduct the secondary research

v  How to Identify the topic

v  How to find the Sources

v  How to combine them

v  How to Analyses it.

5.       Outcome 5 – Tools for literature Review

v  Connected papers, Google Scholar, Explainpaper.

6.       Outcome 6 – Methods of secondary research

v  Quantitative Research

v  Qualitative Research

7.       Outcome 7 – Advanced Analysis Methods and models.

v  Sentimental analysis brief with the help of a research paper.

v  Discussion on PYCARET

v  Discussion on neural Network


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