Toppers’ Talk

Academic Excellence Awards are given each year during the convocation ceremony to toppers in each specialization for their excellence and performance in the field of academics. Abhinay Kishor Totawar was the topper in Finance, Ashish Chacko topped in Marketing and Aryakrishna U was the topper in HR. The Best Outgoing Student’s award was given to Deepshikha Sinha and Jinto Kurian.

As a mark of appreciation all the students expressed their heart-felt gratitude to Director, Fr Jossy, Academic Coordinator, Fr Arun, teachers, mentors and friends for their success as they shared their experience at CIML.

Abhinay Kishor Totawar will always be thankful to CHRIST, Lavasa for a memorable time and it will remain close to his heart till time immemorial. The kind of learning environment he got is remarkable. Every step took him closer to becoming a new person as he met a wide variety of people. Despite lack of proficiency in English, he was able to surpass the challenge and communicate with everyone. Abhinay found the faculty members extremely supportive and motivated him in every walk of life.  He is glad to have made few friends, who are his biggest support system. Abhinay is of the opinion that CHRIST, Lavasa has groomed his personality and he is confident enough to face new challenges in his professional life.


Jinto Kurian is humility personified. He believes that one must be humble in life and Almighty God always showers His abundant blessings. He owes his success to Fr jossy, Fr Arun, Dr Binu Paul and other faculty members for their unflinching support. They gave him an opportunity to grow and bloom into a confident and sincere human being. He was able to do full justice to the opportunities which came his way.

Deepshikha Sinha was elated upon being awarded a medal and trophy as it represents her dedication, sincerity and perseverance. The past two years were a great learning which went beyond lectures and groomed her personality. According to Deepshikha learning was not confined to academics rather it has prepared her to face the challenges in the professional world and emerge victorious. CHRIST, Lavasa taught her to take independent decisions and she learnt how to lead by example. Deepshikha feels that she has been transformed into a confident and efficient individual thanks to the encouraging environment in the college. She feels fortunate to be associated with such an ideal college.


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