Back to School - Back With A Bang
fraternity attended "Back to School", a fun filled event conducted by
final year MBA students for freshers, on Saturday, 13th July 2019. The
gala evening began at 6 PM in the Management Block, Auditorium and ended
up with dance and dinner. The theme was Masquerade Ball and the Dress
Code was aptly labeled Red Carpet.
Here is a pictorial representation of the event with catchy snippets. Happy Viewing!
Here is a pictorial representation of the event with catchy snippets. Happy Viewing!
The stage was set for an amazing evening full of fun and frolic.
Kancherla answering the questions with aplomb. It was a daunting task to
face the audience, answer the questions and give
% performance.
The expressions may be hidden behind the mask but the gala evening kept everyone on toes from starting to finish.
Akhil Laul tests the skills of Sreerag S Ram; one of the contestants. He tried his best to live up to the challenge through his whole hearted cooperation.
The contestants had a tough time to come up to the expectations of the judges, who tested them from all quarters.
Put on your dancing shoes and groove to the beats while enjoying foot tapping numbers!
poise and confidence with which Abin Roby answered the questions was
mind blowing. His confidence level inspired the freshers.
Tista Chakraborty was awarded by Shreya Jain. Now the task is to pass on the legacy.
secret of success was team work with unflinching and selfless support of
all the members. No wonder 'Success Comes To Those Who Succeed'.
The Crowning Glory. Utsavi Bhatia was adjudged as Miss Fresher whereas Jairaj clinched Mr Fresher's title! Kudos!
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