CIMA 2019

A new session has begun on an optimistic note with the formation of clubs and on 9th July 2019 the inaugural function of CIMA 2019 took place on a high note in the Auditorium of MBA Block at 5 pm.

The rain did not slacken their enthusiasm rather they went ahead with the inaugural ceremony with hope in their hearts and assembled according to their respective clans, to mark the beginning of an event, which consists of a plethora of activities, excitement, learning and much more.

An introductory video gave a quick glimpse of CIMA and it got a thundering applause. Then Academic Coordinator, Dr Fr Arun C Anthony addressed the audience and declared CIMA open. Fr Arun articulated that CIMA 2019 is the most awaited event for everyone. He motivated them to retain the same spirit throughout the year. He observed their enthusiasm and remarked that a lot of thought has gone into it. The carefully designed activities will not just primarily provide a platform to showcase their talent, but will also teach them the skill of being an active participant. Fr Arun wisely said that many people are willing to become a leader but one has to be humble enough to be a follower.

Then all the clan captains were introduced. Sijo and Harshvardhini were the Captains of Knights, Ramraj and Yashika for Samurais, Shreya Jain and Vinod for Vikings and Bhavishya and Akhil Nair for Spartans.

The anchors began with an interesting observation about how a success story or a successful person’s name adds value to a product and soon it becomes popular. Then the clans were introduced with specific reference to their innate qualities. They gave interesting and energetic performances.

Samurais’ performance proved that they are the ultimate icons of military prowess, stealth and swordsmanship. They are ancient warriors who hold bravery, justice, compassion and personal loyalty above life itself.

Next it was the turn of Spartans to be introduced with great pride. Their greatest virtue is bravery and they believe it is the most serious crime to retreat from a battle. The Spartans traits include endurance, putting up with pain without complaining and following orders without questioning. Spartans lived up to their promise and gave a scintillating performance.

Knights were next and gave a dynamic performance. They truly anointed everyone with their presence. It was aptly projected that a knight is the noblest of all. A knight embodies military power, loyalty, honour, generosity and good conduct. The clan knight fights with passion and integrity. They stay humble and let their actions do the talking.

Then the invincible Vikings’ characteristics were glorified. They have been the reigning, defending, undisputed champions since past three years. And yet again the defending champions managed to set a benchmark for everyone.

Dr Benny Godwin, Ms Arpita Ghosh, Dr Neena P C and Prof. Jineesh were the judges for the event. Then various clan activities were introduced and explained in detailed. Vikings stood first and Knights came second. Samurais and Spartans also gave a wonderful performance. The entire event was efficiently anchored by Sagar Chandra K and Anushree Pal.


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