OST Presentation Part II

In continuation with the previous program second OST presentation competition was held on 18th July 2019 in the Conference Hall, Management Block, Lavasa for first year MBA students. It was specifically for those students who were unable to visit corporates and prepare the OST. However, the students managed to prepare their respective presentation based on data available on the company website and related data in the public domain.They competed amongst themselves for the first prize.

Director Fr Jossy George watched the competition and gave his valuable feedback.

Anurag Singh's presentation was on Mother Dairy Fruits and Vegetables Pvt. Ltd. Despite not getting an opportunity to visit Mother Dairy he was able to interact with senior executives of the company and come up with a good presentation on the work ethos of the company. 

Akanksha Rawat came next and spoke with confidence about TACO Ltd. She was able to respond to the questions asked by the judges. She spoke in detail and was quite convincing in her answers.

Sukrita Soni spoke smartly about Myntra and her style of presentation was highly appreciated by the judges. She spoke eloquently and with ease. Sukrita’s summing up of the history of Myntra was quite informative. It showed the in depth study done by her on the company. She appeared to know the intrinsic details about the company.

Next it was the turn of Kshitij Patni who gave an insight into Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. He had a relaxed style of presentation although the knowledge could have been more explored. He appeared to be comfortable with the subject and one could notice fluency and proper intonation in his speech. He was not at all perturbed by the questions and answered them with a great deal of confidence.

Then it was the turn of Hashin Rahees K whose OST presentation was on Cochin Printech Pvt. Ltd. His style of presentation was clear and lucid. It was apparent that he was familiar with facts. He didn't hesitate in presentating information about the company with a great deal of confidence. One could guess that he had done a lot research on the company before making the presentation. He was indeed able to answer the questions asked by the judges confidently.

Jairaj Bora came next with his presentation on Future Group Ltd. Jairaj exhibited qualities of being a good speaker and he was in his element. His overview of Future Group was very well presented. One could understand his grasp of the subject and he managed to capture the essence of the company down to the last detail. It was a delight to watch him give the presentation with aplomb.
Last but not the least it was the turn of Sreerag S Ram and he gave his OST presentation on Decathlon India Pvt. Ltd. Despite being the last speaker, it didn't deter his spirits. Jairaj was able to respond to questions well and was well prepared. His presentation had an edge over the others because he is a loyal customer of Decathlon himself and it inspired him to make a presentation on this company. His loyalty towards the company was clearly visible. His sense of humour was the icing on the cake.

Director, Fr Jossy George congratulated the contestants for taking active part in the competition. He was appreciative of their high level of involvement and whole hearted cooperation. At the same time he also encouraged them to work upon their weaknesses and strengthen their positive traits.

Finally the results were declared and certificates were given to all the contestants by Fr Jossy. Jairaj Bora stood first whereas Hashin Rahees came second in this competition.

Trophies were given to those who stood first and second in the present as well as previous OST presentation competition.


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