Inspiration And Motivation Defines The Corporate Talk

A session on corporate talk was organized for MBA students in Management Block, CIML on 30th July 2019. The guest speaker was Mr Anurag Garg, Country Head Powertrain India at Emitec Emission, a group company of Continental, Pune. His skills include manufacturing, automotive and product development. He was Continental Ambassador for Army Institute of Technology, Maharashtra. He is also Business Unit Head, Sensor & Actuators, Pune. He worked as Business Unit Head - Fuel Exhaust Management - FM - India & Asean, Pune. He was responsible for P&L for Business Unit Fuel Supply System India & Asean. His credentials include being Business Unit Head CVAM, Bengaluru and Head Marketing, UNO MINDA Group and much more.

Akansha Rawat welcomed him and then Director, Fr Jossy addressed the students. He was pleased to welcome Mr Garg and expressed hope that his experience will add value to students' knowledge. Fr Jossy wished that the talk will give an insight into corporate work culture while the students are being prepared for placement.

Mr Garg gave a detailed description about Continental Powertrain and then showed an inspirational video. Next, he conducted an interactive session with the students. It boosted their morale and the students began to feel at ease in his presence. The MBA students were quite interactive and asked questions related to the presentation. The students showed interest in the talk and listened to the speaker's words attentively. Bhavishya shared her experience in an industry and later asked some pertinent questions about the work culture in his organization. 

He motivated then to work hard diligently on a regular basis and advised them to have a self-styled goal based on their caliber and interest. He asserted that they should be fully focused and do full justice to the role assigned to them in a company. They should be an agent of change and bring about a marginal or radical change in the company. According to Mr Garg the students should strive to attain perfection in words and deeds as they work hard to sharpen their skills and develop smart work ethics. He inspired them to deal with ethical dilemma in a diplomatic way while being faithful to their ideological beliefs.

Mr Garg also inspired them to be always consistent and go an etc. mile while handling any assignment or project. He said that ideas have values only when people act upon them. He also said that implementation of an idea in real life always leads to success. 

At the end everyone felt that such constant motivation and inspiration by guest speakers go a long way in instilling confidence in the students. The corporate talk was coordinated by CRM, Gp Capt JK Pandey and he gave Mr Garg a token of appreciation for his talk.


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