A session on Mindful Well-being was conducted by Ms. Kajal Dass to help participants develop emotional awareness, manage stress, and understand the importance of slowing down. The session began with a welcome address by Stephanie Anthony, setting a warm and engaging tone. The first activity was a movement exercise, where participants stood in a line and moved forward, backward, or sideways in response to different questions. This helped them reflect on personal experiences and understand how their thoughts and behaviors positioned them in relation to others.

A written reflection exercise followed, where participants answered introspective questions on paper using colorful sketch pens. This provided a space for self-exploration.Writing these thoughts down helped many participants gain clarity on their feelings and stress triggers. A creative "life recipe" exercise had participants list the "ingredients" they wanted in their lives, such as peace, success, love, or adventure, helping them clarify their priorities in a fun yet meaningful way. Another activity involved picking up stones from the surroundings and carrying them in the palms of their non-dominant hands while walking around. This demonstrated how unexpressed and long-carried emotions become burdensome over time, making it harder to function. The weight of the stone symbolized suppressed emotions, and participants discussed how expressing their feelings could lighten this burden.

Following this, a pencil-breaking exercise illustrated how emotional suppression leads to eventual breakdowns. Participants broke pencils with their hands to symbolize how bottling up emotions over time can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. This exercise helped many recognize the importance of healthy emotional expression. A major component of the session focused on slowing down and recognizing that rest is essential, not laziness. Many people are conditioned to believe that taking breaks is unproductive, but the discussion highlighted how rest is a necessary part of growth. A "juggling balloons" activity was conducted to demonstrate the difficulty of managing multiple responsibilities at once. This interactive exercise reinforced the idea that excessive juggling leads to burnout, emphasizing the need for balance and prioritization.

Another critical discussion centered on emotional awareness and relationship management. Participants analyzed their emotions and discussed ways to navigate stress in social interactions. The session also covered practical strategies for managing stress, including mindfulness techniques, relaxation methods, and the importance of self-care routines. A Jenga game added a playful element to the session. After each turn, participants shared something they were grateful for,reinforcing the importance of gratitude in maintaining a positive mindset. Many found this activity uplifting, as it encouraged them to focus on the good in their lives.
As the session concluded, Krishna Pillai delivered a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to the organizers and participants. However, the impact of the discussions and activities lingered beyond the session. It effectively highlighted the significance of self-care,emotional regulation, and stress management. The session emphasized that burnout prevention is crucial and that pushing too hard without breaks can be counterproductive.Participants left with a renewed perspective on well-being, emotional balance, and self-awareness.
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